Makris, Anastasios
Anastasios Makris is an Information Systems & Usability specialist. He holds a BSc in Physics from National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and a MSc in Computer Science from Florida Institute of Technology. He worked for 5 years in the health sector in the U.K. and for 10 years in the Greek industry automation sector (Hercules Cement Corp/Amber SA) as Project Manager before joining the maritime sector in 1993, where he worked as the Information Systems Director for Gourdomichalis Maritime. He has been involved in human computer interface and software usability issues since the mid ‘80s, as a means to improve the quality of software and human productivity. He extensively applied these principles during his career in software development and maintenance as an IT Manager, presented his work and ideas at various maritime conferences and given yearly lectures to students in the Faculty of Communication & Media Studies of the University of Athens on the application of Usability and UX topics to our everyday life. He is a founding founding member and member of the Board of Directors of AMMITEC, a member of the Usability Professionals Association and Hellenic Management Association and founding member and member of the Board of Directors of the ACM Greek Special Interest Group on Computer-Human Interface. Mr. Makris is an adjunct faculty member at Hellenic American University, where he teaches in the BSI program.