Transfers and Waivers
Transfer of Credits
If you are transferring to Hellenic American University from another institution you may be eligible to transfer credits you have earned for courses you have already completed.
Undergraduate Transfers:
If you are transferring into an undergraduate program, the University’s credit transfer policy (link to catalogue) allows you to transfer up to 88 credits from another accredited higher education institution. The admissions committee for your degree program will determine how many credits and for which courses you can transfer credit.
Graduate Transfers:
If you are transferring into a graduate program, you may be eligible to transfer some credits for graduate coursework you have already successfully completed. You can transfer up to 25% of the total number of credits required for graduation for the specific graduate degree program.
If credits are transferred or waived, only the credit amount appears on your Hellenic American University transcript. The grades do not transfer and do not become part of your GPA. Only grades earned for Hellenic American University courses appear on your transcript.
Courses may be waived under certain conditions. Waivers may be awarded for prior experiential learning and/or for credit by examination. When a course is waived, Hellenic American University will determine if credit will be granted (waivers without substitution) or no credit will be granted (waivers with substitution).
Undergraduate course waivers:
No more than 50% of the credits required for a degree can be awarded as waivers. When credit is awarded on the basis of prior experiential or non-collegiate-sponsored learning alone, student learning and achievement are demonstrated to be at least comparable in breadth, depth, and quality to the results of institutionally provided learning experiences.
Graduate course waivers:
If you are pursuing a graduate degree at Hellenic American University, you can waive a maximum of 9 credit hours of coursework
Waivers WITH Substitution for Professional Experience:
If you have at least five years of experience in a professional area in which the University offers a degree you may have the first professional course in that major area waived WITH substitution of another course (No credit is awarded for either non-collegiate sponsored instruction or prior experiential learning).
When credit is awarded on the basis of prior experiential or non-collegiate-sponsored learning alone, student learning and achievement are demonstrated to be at least comparable in breadth, depth, and quality to the results of institutionally provided learning experiences.
Responsibility for Waiver Determination:
The responsibility for determining which courses are eligible for waiver resides solely with the Admissions Committee. This Committee documents all decisions concerning waivers, including the reasons for judging that the candidate has acquired the relevant competencies for each waived course. This documentation is forwarded to the Registrar, who keeps it in the student’s official file. The student’s mentor/academic advisor is also informed of these decisions.
For more information please consult the University catalog.