Scoring and Results of the BCCE Examination

The Basic Communication Certificate in English (BCCE™) examination is scored using an advanced mathematical model, Item Response Theory (IRT). For each section of the examination, raw scores are converted into scaled scores ranging from 100 - 1000. Scaled scores allow each administration of the examination to be equated, ensuring that the ability required to pass or to achieve a high score remains the same from one administration to the next.

For the Listening and RUL Sections, scaled scores are a product of the ability of each candidate and the difficulty of each item in these sections. To pass the Listening or RUL Section, candidates must have a scaled score of at least 650 on a scale of 100 - 1000 for that section. Candidates preparing for the exam should aim for a minimum raw score of at least 12 out of 25 for the Listening Section and 21 out of 45 for the RUL Section to have a good chance of passing each section.

The Writing Section is scored out of a total of 15 marks. There are three criteria: Task Completion, Organization, and Linguistic Resources. Each criterion provides between one and five marks. Candidates who receive a total of 8 or more marks are awarded a Pass for this section of the test.

The Speaking Section is scored out of a total of 15 marks. There are three criteria: Task Completion, Fluency and Interaction, and Linguistic Resources. Each criterion provides between one and five marks. Candidates who receive a total of 8 or more marks are awarded a Pass for this section of the test.

The cut scores for each section of the BCCE examination are determined through standard setting procedures, as laid out in the Council of Europe manual: ‘Relating Language Examinations to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment (CEFR): A Manual’ (2009).

Applying a mixed standard setting strategy, candidates who achieve an averaged total scaled score of at least 650 out of a maximum of 1000 are awarded a BCCE Certificate. The BCCE Certificate is valid for the holder’s lifetime, with the proviso for test users that a candidate’s language ability may improve or deteriorate in relation to his or her contact with the language.


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