Tselikas, Ioannis

Ioannis Tselikas studied harmony, counterpoint and fugue at the Atheneum Conservatory, piano at the National Conservatory, and oboe at the Athens Conservatory. He also studied musicology at the University of Athens, and continued his post-graduate studies in the Music Theory and Music History department of Boston University. As a founding member of the Hellenic Music Centre, he also works as an editor of Greek classical music scores, including works by Samaras, Kalomoiris, and Petridis. He has taught harmony, counterpoint, music history and theory, analysis and oboe at several Greek conservatories, and music schools.

During 2006-2008 he was a facilitator for courses in the History of American Music, Music Theory and Music Analysis in the Music Education Distance Program of Boston University. As an oboist he appeared as a soloist or as a member of a larger ensemble in several auditoriums in the United States and in Greece, including Carnegie Hall and the Athens Megaron, and currently he is the principal oboe of the Athens Municipality Symphony Orchestra. He has appeared in several music conferences, presenting his research in Greek art music. He serves as the Director of the Music Program (BM) at Hellenic American University, where he also teaches music theory and music history.

Last modified onMonday, 27 January 2025 15:46

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